No, I Do Not Have a Personality Disorder

To pursue A Really Goode Job, I started a whole separate Twitter account. I thought about tweeting from my regular account vs. creating a new one. Both have obvious pros and cons. For example, tweeting from your regular account about a new subject and connecting with new people contributes to growth of this account, as well as avoids unnecessary confusion (“Wait… I thought I was following you already..”). However, creating a new account has the distinct advantage of creating a separate brand (if your regular account is a catch-all, like mine is), as well as being able to better track your progress when starting “from scratch.”

After some deliberation, I have decided to create a separate account. To differentiate the two, I created a separate blog documenting the #areallygoodejob journey, separate bio and used a different photograph. Although it took a bit of time and extra effort to explain to the followers with whom I have a closer relationship why I am following them from two accounts, it was a great way to let people know what I was doing and get them excited about the cause. And most importantly, being able to start from zero, while still leveraging my existing network, is an important exercise in measuring my prowess in building a following on Twitter. It is a great exercise, and I can’t wait to find out where I end up. I am employing several deliberate strategies and search tools to connect with other wine bloggers and other folks in the industry. This is extra exciting to me, as I love a good (or should I say “goode”) challenge, and starting out to network in an industry as “an outsider” is definitely a challenge. By being able to quantify and attribute growth, I will be able to build definitive case studies to use with future social media projects. Also, it is quite fun to focus @thegoodemaria’s brand at a particular topic (wine and my journey through this process), because my @themaria account is an all-inclusive account of all things that interest me, which are many.

I am excited to learn as part of this process, and see where I net out in the end. Whether or not I get #areallygoodejob, it is already #areallygoodejourney!

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Published in: on May 30, 2009 at 12:43 am  Leave a Comment  
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